Package contains
Product info
- License: Private Label Rights
- Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR, PLR
- Submitted: 12/08/2015
- Released: 12/08/2015
- Size: 53.35 MB
- Price: 14.90
- eBooks & Reports
- Videos, Tutorials & Courses
- Wordpress
Package details
- Pdf files 1
- Pages 17
- Words 2362
- Doc/x files 2
- Pages 17
- Words 2056
- Mp3 files 21
- Duration 148
- Mp4 files 2
- Duration 160
- Png files 87
- Jpeg/jpg files 19
- Txt files 3
- Words 95
- Psd files 1
- Zip files 1
- Exe files 1
- Html files 3
- Php files 70
- Gif files 7
WP Grab Master
Price: 14.90
See Sales Page One Buy Button of this
Additional pages:
WP Grab Master Documentation
Additional pages:
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- /
- WPGrabMaster_plr
- Docs
- DOC Images
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- 0002.png
- 0003.png
- 0004.png
- 0005.png
- 0006.png
- 0007.png
- 0008.png
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- 0010.png
- 0011.png
- 0012.png
- 0013.png
- 0014.png
- 0015.png
- 0016.png
- 0017.png
- 0018.png
- 0019.png
- HTML Version
- WP Grab Master Documentation_files
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- image002.png
- image003.jpg
- image004.png
- image005.jpg
- image006.png
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- image008.png
- image009.jpg
- image010.png
- image011.jpg
- image012.png
- image013.jpg
- image014.png
- image015.jpg
- image016.png
- image017.jpg
- image018.png
- image019.jpg
- image020.png
- image021.jpg
- image022.jpg
- image023.jpg
- image024.png
- image025.png
- image026.jpg
- image027.png
- item0001.xml
- preview.wmf
- props002.xml
- themedata.thmx
- WP Grab Master Documentation.html
- WP Grab Master Documentation.doc
- WP Grab Master Documentation.docx
- WP Grab Master Documentation.odt
- WP Grab Master Documentation.pdf
- Example Files
- Full Plugin
- sound
- This folder is empty
- wpgrabmaster
- app
- views
- admin
- manage
- content_chat
- chat.php
- chat_text.php
- chats.php
- form.php
- modal.php
- call.php
- chat.php
- content_call.php
- content_chat.php
- design_call.php
- design_chat.php
- effect_call.php
- effect_chat.php
- footer.php
- general.php
- main.php
- menu.php
- preview.php
- dashboard.php
- manage.php
- setting.php
- public
- blocks
- audio.php
- call
- call_classic
- footer.php
- main.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- call_flat
- footer.php
- main.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- call_modern
- footer.php
- main.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- skype
- footer.php
- main.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- chat
- blocks
- content.php
- contents.php
- classic
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- flat
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- modern
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- yahoo
- footer.php
- top.php
- widget.php
- call.php
- chat.php
- admin.php
- ajax.php
- factory.php
- faicon.php
- font.php
- form.php
- list.php
- model.php
- setting.php
- css
- fonts
- im
- icomoon.eot
- icomoon.svg
- icomoon.ttf
- icomoon.woff
- admin-global.css
- admin.css
- ipbe-admin.css
- public.css
- img
- button
- button-1
- facebook.png
- google-plus.png
- twitter.png
- button-2
- facebook.png
- google-plus.png
- twitter.png
- button-3
- facebook.png
- google-plus.png
- twitter.png
- button-4
- facebook.png
- google-plus.png
- twitter.png
- button-5
- facebook.png
- google-plus.png
- twitter.png
- preview
- button-1.png
- button-2.png
- button-3.png
- button-4.png
- button-5.png
- favicon
- bell.ico
- bubble.ico
- bullhorn.ico
- checkmark.ico
- envelope.ico
- exclamation.ico
- info.ico
- paper_plane.ico
- star.ico
- typing
- image1.png
- image2.png
- image3.png
- icon.png
- loading.gif
- menu_icon.png
- option-toggle.gif
- spin.gif
- js
- admin-global-lib.js
- admin-global.js
- admin-global.min.js
- admin.js
- admin.min.js
- ipbe-admin.js
- ipbe-admin.min.js
- public.js
- public.min.js
- languages
- template.pot
- wp_notification_plus-en_US.po
- sound
- call
- apple_ring.mp3
- beep.mp3
- blackberry.mp3
- google_tone.mp3
- iphone_5s.mp3
- skype.mp3
- sony_xperia_z.mp3
- chat
- apple_sms.mp3
- bbm_tone.mp3
- kakao_talk_alert.mp3
- line_sms.mp3
- notifier_eager.mp3
- samsung_whistle.mp3
- widget
- audio-1.mp3
- audio-1.ogg
- audio-2.mp3
- audio-2.ogg
- audio-3.mp3
- audio-3.ogg
- audio-4.mp3
- audio-4.ogg
- audio-5.mp3
- audio-5.ogg
- changelog.txt
- readme.txt
- wp-grab-master.php
- Load Me - Sample Project Files
- full-plugin.rrw
- one-buy-button.rrw
- Sales Page One Buy Button
- assets
- css
- bg
- bg_slider.jpg
- fonts
- flexslider-icon.eot
- flexslider-icon.svg
- flexslider-icon.ttf
- flexslider-icon.woff
- icons
- award.png
- b-browser.png
- b-clock.png
- b-docs.png
- b-gift.png
- b-responsive.png
- b-rocket.png
- b-stat.png
- bootstrap.png
- browser.png
- chat.png
- clock.png
- film.png
- gift.png
- heart.png
- icon-b-cog-alt-2x.png
- icon-b-robot-alt-2x.png
- icon-b-rocket-alt-2x.png
- icon-b-user-alt-2x.png
- location.png
- mail.png
- responsive.png
- rocket.png
- support.png
- bootstrap-player.css
- bootstrap.css
- bootstrap.min.css
- ekko-lightbox.min.css
- flexslider.css
- font-awesome.min.css
- jquery.fullPage.css
- sections-frmwrk-styles.css
- fonts
- FontAwesome.otf
- fontawesome-webfont.eot
- fontawesome-webfont.svg
- fontawesome-webfont.ttf
- fontawesome-webfont.woff
- glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
- js
- bootstrap-player.js
- bootstrap.js
- bootstrap.min.js
- custom-scripts.js
- ekko-lightbox.min.js
- ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
- jquery-2.1.1.min.js
- jquery.countdown.min.js
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- jquery.flexslider.js
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- jquery.nicescroll.min.js
- jquery.scrollTo-1.4.6-min.js
- jquery.slimscroll.min.js
- jquery.waitforimages.js
- stellar.js
- audio-4.mp3
- notifier_eager.mp3
- skype.mp3
- images
- bottom-shadow.png
- chatrequest.gif
- headerbg.png
- leftsnip.png
- textchat.gif
- videochat.gif
- wpgm-sp-001.gif
- index.html
- !!NOTES!!.txt
- Graphics
- wpgm_flat.psd
- wpgm-175.jpg
- wpgm-250.jpg
- wpgm-350.jpg
- wpgm-450.jpg
- wpgm_HIRES.png
- wpgm_trans.png
- Promo Video
- wpgrabmaster-no-audio.mp4
- wpgrabmaster.mp4
- WP Grab Master
- WPGrabMaster.exe
- eCover
- wpgm-450.jpg
- desktop.ini
Quickly Create Alert Boxes That Demand Instant Attention From Your Visitors! Use the power of social network giants and video chat providers to grab the attention of your visitors!
Using techniques from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Skype, your site will demand attention...
Design custom alerts that look like a Skype call, Facebook message, Yahoo Messenger, or even Google Talk.
Here is the list of WP Grab Master's powerful features:
- Easy Setup: Upload via your WP admin area and activate. You are finished!
- Customize It: Each alert is fully customizable with web links and text.
- Time It: Set the appearance time for instant or delayed display and also set the exit time.
- Easy To Use: With provided documentation and on-screen tips, anyone can use it.
- Alert Location: Choose to slide up, down, or even center of the screen.
- Sound Effects: Mimic Skype ring, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, and others.
- [YES] Can be sold
- [YES] Can be used for personal use
- [YES] Can be packaged with other products
- [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
- [YES] Can modify/change the main product
- [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
- [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be used to build a list
- [YES] Can print/publish offline
- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
- [YES] Can be translated to other languages
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
- [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights